Why Advertise on ManStuff?

  • 340,000 ad impressions in 6 months (150 clicks)
  • 400 new users signed up in last 6 months (4,800 total)
  • Averaging 112,000 pageviews per month
  • 5K+ visitors last month - 22 pageviews per user
  • Idaho audience, with users from all over the west


$3.50 CPM     
(CPM = per 1,000 impressions)

550K Impressions: $1,925
Campaign will last approx 10 - 12 months

250K Impressions: $875
Campaign will last approx 4 - 6 months

100K Impressions: $350
Campaign will last approx 2 - 3 months

Banner Ad Specs

Name Size (px) File Size Accepted Formats
Leaderboard 728x90 35kb GIF, JPG/JPEG, PNG, HTML5*
Mobile Leaderboard** 320 x 100 35kb "
Medium Rectangle 300 x 250 35kb "

* HTML5 must be third-party ad served via Doubleclick.     
** Mobile Leaderboard displays in place of Leaderboard on mobile devices, both version must be supplied.